TLDR; Instructions for setting up podman and docker-compose on MacOS
These instructions are designed to be an attachment to my video series on podman and Docker.
Part 1
Part 2
⚠️ Follow these instructions at your own risk
# Start a podman machine with 2 vCPUs and 4GBs of RAM and 15GBs of Disk space
$ podman machine init --cpus 2 -m 4096 --disk-size 15
# Start the machine
$ podman machine start
# SSH into the machine
$ podman machine ssh
# Inside the CoreOS machine #
# Edit .bashrc for the user core
$ vi ~/.bashrc
# Add to the bottom of the file
docker () {
if [ "$1" = "system" ] && [ "$2" = "dial-stdio" ]; then
exec socat - "/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock"
exec /usr/bin/docker $@
$ sudo su -
# vi ~/.bashrc
# Add to the bottom of the file
docker () {
if [ "$1" = "system" ] && [ "$2" = "dial-stdio" ]; then
exec socat - "/run/podman/podman.sock"
exec /usr/bin/docker $@
# Reduce this security feature to be on-par with the experience we're used to with Docker.
$ sudo sed -i 's/short-name-mode="enforcing"/short-name-mode="permissive"/g' /etc/containers/registries.conf
# Host: MacOS #
# Edit the ~/.ssh/config and add the following to the bottom
Host localhost
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<PODMAN_MACHINE_NAME>
StrictHostKeyChecking no
# Get the list of connections
$ podman system connection ls
# Set the DOCKER_HOST variable (docker server)
## Fish shell
# $ set -gx DOCKER_HOST ssh://root@localhost:<PORT>
# Bash
$ export DOCKER_HOST="ssh://root@localhost:<PORT>"
# Test
$ docker version
# Disable docker-compose from using the Docker CLI when executing a build
## Fish shell
# Bash
# Setup a virutalenv
$ virtualenv --python=(which python3) ./venv
# Active virtualenv
## Fish shell
# $ . venv/bin/
# Bash
$ . venv/bin/activate
# Install docker-compose v1.x
$ pip3 install docker-compose
# Test by getting the version of docker-compose
$ docker-compose -v